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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

Posts directly to do with Lapidus

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Some Reflections on a Day of Helping Women Writers Write

I feel really lucky to have been at the Mslexicon event in Leeds last weekend (12th/13th July). It was a dynamic and supportive conference for women who write and I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like it in my life before.

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Day of Access Workshops


Words For Wellbeing NewsWe are seeking expressions of interest from individuals, groups and organisations in hosting a workshop as part of a new project, Day of Access, which explores place-awareness.

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Love & Loss: Creative Therapeutic Writing on Relationships - a book review by Elizabeth Dunford

Love & Loss: creative therapeutic writing on relationships

Monica Suswin

Cabin Press

In this short book, Monica Suswin explores the universal experience of love and loss – and how creative therapeutic writing can help us make sense of it.

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Lapidus International: Online Research Consultation Opportunity

We are delighted to invite you join us at our online international consultation for research funded by the TS Eliot Foundation!

Our aspiration is to co-create a new creative practice framework with a diverse group of professionals including words for wellbeing practitioners, health professionals, psychologists, teachers, counsellors, social workers, and educators across all levels.

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Greta Solomon - Writing coach & author

How did you come to writing for wellbeing?

I have been writing and journaling all my life. Early on, I realised the power in putting things into words, and writing helped me to heal when my mother committed suicide. When I left my second staff journalism job to go freelance in 2001, I used journaling, along with studying lyric writing and acting, to unblock myself creatively. Later, I trained in life coaching and teaching and set up a successful English tutoring practice. Through this, I discovered that I had a talent for helping people to overcome the fears, blocks and shame that can stop them from fully-expressing themselves in writing.

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“To the 18-year-old kid I stopped on SR10”

 “To the 18-year-old kid I stopped on SR10”

That’s the start of an open letter written by a police officer in North Ridgeville, Ohio a few months ago. The short missive, which directly addresses a young man caught doing 100 mph in a 65-mph zone, is an interesting example of expressive writing in letter form. The officer describes the speeder’s reaction when he was stopped; expresses anger at his disregard for the possible consequences of his driving; talks about past experiences with fatal crashes involving young people who were going too fast; and relates his own feelings about having issued the speeding ticket.

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2165 Hits

Balens Insurance for Lapidus International

Great news! Lapidus International has managed to arrange a deal with Balens to insure your work as practitioners in writing for wellbeing. This insurance will give you peace of mind if you are running writing groups or selling your services as it covers three areas:

* Professional Insurance. This covers alleged malpractice, such as a complaint about your practice and where there may have been a breach of your professional duties.

* Public liability. This covers accidental injuries to third parties, and third party damages.

* Product liability. This covers accidental injury to third parties caused by your products. This category may not seem that relevant for us, but in cases where members combine writing with other activities this may be very useful.

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2423 Hits

From the Field: An Interview with Carolyn Shanti

Carolyn Shanti is the author of ‘Trap, Prey, Lust’. The novel is based on the true story of her own childhood, where she was brought up in a wealthy and privileged family in England. A secluded and idyllic mansion, surrounded by acres of private property was where she spent her childhood years. It was also a place of dark shadows and sexual secrets. Her father, a prominent businessman in the fashion industry was a member of a well-known occult society. As a young child, Carolyn suffered ritual sexual abuse and was raped, not only by her own father but members of the society. She was ‘groomed’ and the use of mind control techniques were put in place to work against her remembering the abuse or the perpetrators of these acts of violence.

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5204 Hits

Membership Fee Update

The Board of Lapidus International has been working hard to provide members with value for money for their membership fees.  We have an enthusiastic team of volunteers and self-employed contractual staff working to deliver a more accessible and lively online presence, guidance, advice and useful materials. 

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From the Desk: Fast-forward February

It's February already? Weren't we just watching the fireworks and singing Auld Lang Syne just a few days ago? 

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‘Words Work Well For Health and Wellbeing’ Creative Project Manager, Lapidus Scotland



Lapidus Scotland is seeking a Creative Project Manager to take forward its project Words Work Well For Health and Wellbeing, a programme of writing, storytelling and art activities and for wellbeing throughout Glasgow for people with long-term and often complex health conditions in a range of inspiring and healing settings facilitated by experienced writers. We have received funding from Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership via the Wellbeing for Longer in Glasgow Fund to continue and extend this project for a further two years (2019 to 2021).


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Reflective Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy - A Book Review by Elizabeth Dunford

Reflective Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Jeannie Wright

Sage Publishing 2018

Although the title implies this book is designed for counsellors and psychotherapists, I believe it is potentially helpful for many others. Facilitators of writing for wellbeing and personal development will find it a rich source of stimulating ideas and exercises. Individuals seeking to improve self-awareness – whether as part of reflective practice in a work setting, or simply to grow as a human being – can use this book as a practical guide.

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From the Field - The Book Incubator

Kate Heaslip runs Book Incubator, an organisation that runs literacy workshops for primary schoold children in Australia. The focus is on improving literacy, telling a story, and boosting creativity. Francesca Baker, Lapidus’ Outreach Manager, asked her a few questions…


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2251 Hits

A Moment of Kindness Flash Fiction Competition

Earlier this year, Lapidus International held its first ever writing competition with guest judge Julie Primon.

We were very happy with the responses - every submission bringing something new and special to the suggested theme. On Saturday at the Lapidus AGM, the winner of this inaugural competition was announced.

The winner of the 2018 'A Moment of Kindness Flash Fiction' competition is:

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From the Desk: Non-stop November

It’s been a bit of a non-stop November for Lapidus –  we've been travelling across the country for the NAWE conference, setting up the AGM in London in December, interviewing new board members, setting up events next year (Newcastle, March 23rd and 24th - save the date!) and the Creative Bridges International Call for Papers is well underway too!

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2117 Hits

From the Field: “Write here, sanctuary” Creative Writing for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum

“Write here, sanctuary” creative writing for refugees and people seeking asylum - Arts & Health

Theodore Stickley, Ada Hui, Michelle Stubley, Francesca Baker and Michael Craig Watson

“Write here, sanctuary” creative writing for refugees and people seeking asylum is a study published in Arts & Health by Theodore Stickley, Ada Hui, Michelle Stubley, Francesca Baker and Michael Craig Watson that looks at the efficacy and affect of creative writing workshops for refugees run by Write East Midlands in three cities – Nottingham, Derby and Leicester.

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The Kent and Sussex Writing for Wellbeing Network is back!

The Kent Writing and Wellbeing Network began meeting in January 2013 and has had many interesting speakers including Patricia Debney, Reinekke Lengelle and Maria C. McCarthy. 

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2049 Hits

From the Field: Writing a Community Novel

Every month or so, we are sending our outreach officer, Francesca Baker, out to bring back an interesting story from the field of words for wellbeing. Here is the first of these stories!


In October 2017 Jane Moss embarked on a three year research project to create a community novel. Her question is ‘what would happen if a community wrote a novel using a combination of pens, apps and laptops?’ Or, to put it another, more academic way, ‘What is the potential role for digital media in co-authorship of a community novel?’

We thought this sounded interesting – and fun – so caught up with Jane to find out more.

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From The Desk - A Spooky October Update

Every month, Richard, the Lapidus International Coordinator, is going to write a ‘From The Desk’ article to give an update of the day-to-day activity that goes on in the Lapidus International Office. This is the very first one of those updates and it's extra spooky!


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@BRoymacauley Roymacauley
Looking forward to writing a few spooky lines. It is not too late with the dark late evenings coming. See you at the AGM bARBARA... Read More
Monday, 05 November 2018 11:30
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Bibliotherapy - A book review by Francesca Baker

Bibliotherapy edited by Sarah McNicol, Liz Brewster

Facet Publishing

In recent years bibliotherapy has hit, if not the mainstream, at least a library or health service near you with programmes such as the Books On Prescription scheme, where self help and advice books are prescribed to support people with certain illnesses or ailments. It’s good recognition of something that people have known for many years –advice, inspiration, education and solace can be found through reading.

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