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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

Posts directly to do with Lapidus

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Groups, Blog

Looking for Lapidus Love! - Lapidus Groups Message

Today we start our matchmaking column for lonely Lapidusians. Please, please make their day and contact these members who find their part of the UK is a “cold spot.” Perhaps you could meet them for a coffee or even think about starting a new Lapidus group or hold an event? Or just send them a welcome and hello?

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Recent Comments
Tony Wall
I have a contact in Sheffield who I'm meeting in November. I can mention it too. I'm also interested in being part of a local gr... Read More
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 08:23
Barbara Bloomfield
TOny... I was recently contacted by Metanoia student, Dalbinder Kular in Sheffield, and Sarah Walters in Bolsover (see above) who ... Read More
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 09:45
2451 Hits

Thank you Stephen - London Lapidus


Last Saturday, 30th September, instead of our usual meeting at the Poetry Cafe, London Lapidus met in Tate Britian and had a very interesting, thought provoking  and inspiring afternoon.

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Lapidus Wales Launch Day

 Join us as we celebrate the launch of the newest regional group to join Lapidus International: Lapidus Wales.
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Only in Australia

I'm pinching myself as I sit in Professor Tony Attwood's glass consulting room, looking out over a tropical garden of palms and guava trees down towards a creek surrounded by lush greenery. As he talks, a two foot long, scaly green and yellow lizard hops onto a rock outside his window, tail thrashing. It's all I can do not to squeak.

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London Lapidus Meeting - 30th September

For our September meeting we have decided to try something new, facilitated by Stephen Bush, a regular at our London Lapidus meetings.

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Six degrees – a story of Lapidus and me…


I’ve journaled and made art for over 60 years now, but for many of those years I thought of it as simply a pastime.Susanna Suchak

Then one day I went down a deep, dark, rabbit hole and just by chance the writing and art changed.

The art got abstract and the writing came from the bottom of that deep, dark hole. I had no understanding of the whys or wherefores but the whole process helped me to reflect on the pain, the sadness and the angry resentments and to heal so that I could move on and pull myself up into a place of wellbeing, a place where the sun shone more often. But it never lasted and I came to understand that there was more to this and I needed to know what the more was. I thought school might have some answers so I took another BA which allowed me to enroll in a Master of Arts in Integrated Studies through Athabasca University by distance … and it is quite a distance from Southern Ontario to Central Alberta.

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Report Lapidus 2016



For many of us, this year has been challenging, drawing on our depths of compassion and humour, demanding that we strive harder to keep our balance in choppy waters. Events in the Middle East, particularly Syria, deaths of iconic figures, surprises in the democratic process in the West, news about the effects of global warming have placed us in a position now where we may have to adjust the stand that we wish to take, our values and our priorities.  It is certainly a time of change, when we need to think differently and decide what to keep and what to discard. Events within Lapidus have led us to a position in 2016 when we have reviewed our history, our core ideology and have begun to look towards the future. Some key members of the Board with a long-term relationship with the company have moved away and some fresh faces have stepped up.  We felt it important to forge a strong working relationship between the team, with those who are paid by Lapidus and with our members.  To that end, Barbara made contact with a number of regional groups and visited them.  Lisa continued to steer the activities of the (new) Digital Editor (Christine) and our Membership Secretary (Caleb).

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Lapidus Research Day, July 2015

Lapidus Research Day, July 2015

Huge thanks to everyone who came along to the July Research Day, and to Metanoia Institute for providing such a wonderful venue. It was a vibrant day, covering a wide range of topics. Below are links to resources from the event, including information from our displays and slides and notes from some of the sessions:

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2090 Hits

Lapidus Day 2015

Lapidus Day 2015

The national Lapidus day conference took place in Cardiff on Saturday 14 March 2015.  

Cardiff University

Cardiff Metropolitan University, Llandaff Campus


Click here for the Lapidus Day Programme

Our keynote speakers were Professor Jeff Wallace, Professor of English and Creative Writing, at Cardiff Metropolitan University and Fiona Hamilton. Jeff talked about the journey leading to his interest in therapeutic writing; Fiona explored the writing process that led to her book Bite Sized - a story in verse, about a mother's perspective on her child's eating disorder. 

Jeff Wallace is Professor of English at Cardiff Metropolitan University. He is the author of Beginning Modernism (2011) and D. H. Lawrence, Science and the Posthuman (2005), and the editor of books on Darwin's Origin of Species, Raymond Williams and Gothic Modernism. He is a specialist in the study of literature and science. 

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Lapidus Weekend 2013

Lapidus Weekend 2013

It was good to see Lapidus members and guests from all over the UK gathered in Bristol for the Lapidus weekend, on 5-6th October 2013. The sun shone, Bristol looked beautiful and the venue - Engineers' House - was welcoming and very comfortable.

The weekend was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with others with an interest and/or working in writing and wellbeing, and hear guest speakers Ted Bowman on how to Pack Your Bag with Words, (the man is amazing) and poet Matt Harvey on tennis and conkers and many other things.

There were a range of workshops including one on the therapeutic benefits of Hip Hop for bereaved young people by Kiran Bangerh. 

Manu Rodriguez spoke on writing another perspective on disability/ability and Victoria Field about the training she is offering to become a Poetry Therapist. This is the first time this training has been available in the UK. Contact Vicky for more details.

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On Becoming a Poetry Therapist

On Becoming a Poetry Therapist

by Victoria Field

A description and critical appraisal of the US National Association of Poetry Therapy accreditation process and its possible application as a model for the UK.   I am currently approaching accreditation as a Poetry Therapist and, increasingly, I am being contacted by others in this country thinking of undertaking this qualification.  This is  possibly due to the absence of any other practitioner-based training in the UK.  I feel it would be very useful for Lapidus to react to this existing model as well as devising its own accreditation policy from scratch.   I will begin by presenting a poem: 

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Bibliography – what are your key sources?

Bibliography – what are your key sources?



Originally compiled in 2003 by Dr Maria Antoniou, this list is intended to be of use to all members of Lapidus - including writers, therapists, service users, academics and those with a personal interest in using ‘creative words for health and well-being’. As such, a diverse range of material is included.

Many of the materials listed could be classified in several categories. However, each text is listed only once – in the category that seems to best describe its content and potential audience / use. Where all of the chapters of an edited collection are potentially suitable for inclusion in this list, only the book title is listed.

There are inevitably gaps. Many subjects remain un(der)-represented. These omissions point to areas where more writing and research work is needed.

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Online Resources

Online Resources


Arts, Health and Wellbeing - the National Alliance for Arts, Health and Wellbeing is a national resource for creativity and health

Healthy, Social, Creative - Information and signposting for health professionals and others working with people affected by long-term conditions in relation to arts and creative initiatives

Arts & Health South West - Aims to raise the profile and influence the development of the Arts and Health sector across the region as well as provide information and support, including a database of practitioners and projects

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